Sunday School Classes

Little Lambs Class (3 years old)

Little Flock Class (4-5 years old)

Primary Class (1st-2nd grade)

Middlers Class (3rd-4th grade)

Juniors Class (5th-6th grade)

Junior High and Senior High Class (7th-12th grade)


Fusion (18-29)-This class is studying the importance of Connecting With Others.  Faith was never meant to be a solo pursuit.  The church is the place God grows us, encourages us, and uses us best.  Loving Jesus Christ involves a passionate commitment to His church-around the world as well as right here at Good News Baptist.

C.S.I. (30-39)-This class is studying the Book of Acts, the history book of the early church.  In the Book, we observe the working of the Holy Spirit in the spreading of the gospel from Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the rest of the Roman world.  The Book of Acts encourages us to answer the Lord's call to be His witnesses and share our story of hope in Christ on both a personal level and on a church level.

Fellowship (40-49)- This class is studying how to be a disciple of Christ. These principle will lead us to be able to lead our family to pursue after Christ. 

Ambassador (50-64)-This class is studying the Book of Joshua and the trials of the Hebrew people wherein they learned to trust in the Lord and have confidence in His faithfulness to them.

Rejoicers (65+)-This class is studying the Book of Zechariah.  Of all the prophetic books in the Bible, the exciting book of Zechariah contains the second highest amount of prophecies concerning Christ.

Bereans (65+)-This class studying Lifestyle Christianity.  Learning to live a life pleasing to God is not quick or easy.  Following Christ is more than following a set of rules; it is developing character, based upon godly principles.  We must live what we learn.  This means changing our attitude and our behavior, so that all is brought into subjection unto Christ, our Savior.

Seekers (Ladies only, 65+)-This class is studying the Story of Hope-forty visualized Bible events (20 O.T.) and (20 N.T.) that summarize the Bible's Big Story of Redemption, from Genesis through Revelation.