GOOD NEWS VBS VBS Registration Form Child's Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Age * Birthday * MM DD YYYY Gender * Male Female Grade * 2016/17 School Year 4yr Old (Only VBS Workers) Young 5s (Only VBS Workers) K 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade Parent/Guardian Name * Parent/Gaurdian Email Address * Primary Phone Number * Parent(s)' Church Membership is at: * Emergency Contact during VBS * Emergency Contact's Phone Number Allergies? * Medication? * How did you hear about Good News Baptist VBS? Came Last Year Word of Mouth Website Parade Church Mailer Yard Signs Authorization * I agree and consent to allow Good News Baptist Church (6830 Eastern Ave., SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan) to publish photos of my child from VBS on their internet website (, and in various displays within the church. Yes No Thank you! We are praying that your child enjoys learning about God with us!The VBS Team!